“I am not certain what a professional salesperson looks like but I know how they act and carry themselves. I know they do the things that success requires every time they come to work. See that person? "That's a pro!”

This is the answer managers and owners give when asked the question “What does a salesperson look like?” The Pro knows how to play for keeps. The Pro never quits, no matter what the odds. The pro knows they must give extra effort to self-improvement, study, product knowledge and training in order to be on top. The Pro knows that success is the natural by-product of the daily activities success requires. While Pros in the sales business use many different methods to accomplish their objectives they all know this.

Success is more than thought; it requires a plan and a way to put that plan into action.

Find your plan here

Wade Boggs

A Pro knows he must love the game and become proficient at it. Wade Boggs, Boston Red Sox third baseman and Hall of Fame performer, took extra batting practice AFTER EVERY GAME. On many occasions the grounds crew asked him to stop so they could turn off the lights of the ballpark. When asked why, this man who has one of the highest lifetime batting averages in the history of baseball, replied

“Because I fail over 6 times out of 10 in my attempts to hit the ball,I obviously need to improve.” The pro in him starts with attitude. A true professional must handle themselves in such a way as to achieve the desired results.


They analyze themselves. To be the best you must determine how good you are now and analyze your performance on a regular basis. They know what they are and are not doing and take steps to correct deficiencies.

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Information for Professional managers


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