About Me
If you're like me your Mom taught you it isn't polite to make things 'all about me'. There are, however, times when letting others know about your credentials helps and this is one of them. I want you to have complete confidence that what you learn at MasteringSelling isn't just theory...I have lived it in the showroom on a daily basis and I know it works.
When I began my automobile sales career like most of you I started on the sales floor and within 5 years I owned a dealership.
I had no previous experience selling cars. Just for the record, I also had absolutely no 'center of influence', I had just moved my family to an area of the country where we knew 2 people...my parents, who had retired there some years earlier.
Prior to moving I played golf with several folks who were in the car business and seemed to do VERY WELL financially. I told my wife when we completed our move and had things set up I was going to find the local automobile dealers, tell them about me and interview them about going to work selling cars.
I entered the automobile business and like many of you received little, if any, formal sales training. The sales manager was the type who thought the way to train was to 'show 'em the desk, show 'em the phone and show 'em where the cars are.' He did encourage me by telling me that if anybody showed up on the lot I could come get him for help and went back to his office to do whatever it is managers do in their office. Any of this sound familiar so far? By the way, this man ended up working for me a couple of years later.
I don't want to go overboard telling stories because anybody who has spent more than a week at a dealership seems to have hundreds of them but suffice it to say I learned an awful lot of 'what not to do' in a very short period of time.
I also learned that winners share common traits like the ones you will find as you read the pages of MasteringSelling.
You'll learn about the 54 seconds that can change your life. You will find out what it takes to become a great manager in the car business. I've left nothing out and in fact continue to add new material on a regular basis.
I'm excited, and I hope are as well, about the information contained at MasteringSelling and helping you become all you can be.
I will close by letting you know I sold my original delership and over the next 22 years successfully held every management position at retail dealerships, both domestic and import.
In 2004 I was hired by a very large midwestern based auto group to design and implement a corporate wide sales training program for use in each of their stores. They paid me a lot of money and were happy to do so. It is still the standard for recruiting, hiring and management training in their dealerships.
I am not bragging, I just want you to know that many of the methods I included in their program are included in the Stay On Target series you can access right here.
Best wishes for your continued growth and success in the greatest business in the world...the car business.

I leave you with this, which as you can see is at the bottom of every page on my site. Remember, it isn't always about me...it is about those around you that will help you achieve your dreams.
You can never get what you want until you help others get what they want
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