Product Presentation
Product presentation from a well trained salesperson will make you appear confident and knowledgeable in the eyes of your customer.
Share your knowledge with enthusiasm and confidence
It is easy to talk about something when you know everything there is to know about it. Your face shows excitement, your voice delivers it. Imagine talking to yourself about a subject you know backwards and forwards. Notice the animation. Hear the voice of authority. You know this person knows what they are talking about and most important, believes it to be the truth.
Know your product and its easy to sell
How can you learn about the products in your inventory? What features are most important? How can you tailor your sales presentation to include those features?
- Learn by studying
If you are not learning more about the products you sell you are not improving. The internet provides your customers rich sources of information. Many a salesperson has found themselves in a position of knowing less about their product than the customer. - Develop a sales and presentation strategy
Use feature-function-benefit selling at every opportunity. Telling is not selling. Make your presentation one that the customer can relate to and see how your product fills a need or solves a problem for them.
Great product presentation requres great fact finding
Every product sold has unique features and benefits. Your customer needs to be told about them. Your presentation is made easier and more relevant to your customer by using feature-function-benefit selling.. If you want something bad enough....remember that old saying? Your job is to demonstrate product features that are important to the buyer. By keying on customer wants and needs in feature-function-benefit style you will move from selling to assisting your customer in making a wise purchase decision.
Product presentation is only one step.
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