Road to a Sale Step 2

On the road to a sale step 2 is fact finding. Perform this step correctly and you will be on the path to making a sale.

What information would be helpful to make certain you are showing the right vehicle to your customer? Would you like to know what terms of sale are important? Wouldn't you like to have an easier close? The road to a sale step 2 is designed to provide the answers.

What are the important things to know? You can build quite a list but here are the ones you must have before you proceed.

  • What will the vehicle be used for?
    This question will help you select a vehicle to fulfill a need. Towing, taking the family on trips, commuting long distances to work. These are just some of the needs buyers have.
  • Who is the primary driver?
    This person has a great influence on the buying decision. Pay particular attention to what they express as areas of need and want.
  • How many members are in your family?
    No sense showing a two seater to a customer who has told you this vehicle is for taking vacations with their five children.
  • What do you like or dislike about your current vehicle?
    Listen carefully. What you will hear are the features that are important to them and which ones you can avoid if it is a dislike.
  • How many miles a year do you typically drive?
    This answer may lead you, at the proper time, to presenting a lease or other type of residual based finance program to your customer.
  • What are your current monthly payments?
    Much easier to ask for only two or three dollars a day more than sixty dollars more than they are currently paying, isn't it?
  • What do you folks like to do in your spare time?
    Establishing common ground with folks about a hobby or some other activity is a great icebreaker and allows you to become just like them.
  • How long have you owned your vehicle?
    The answer may provide a clue about their trade cycle or perhaps some indication of what they may owe on a possible trade in.

    Take time to build a list of questions that help you know what your customer is about and what is important to them. By using the road to a sale step 2 to your advantage you will make more sales and gross profit.

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