Consumer Research Statistics

Consumer research firms provide statistical data to product manufacturing and sales companies who spend millions researching customer buying habits and experiences. Here are the results from a recent survey.

These consumer research statistics will frighten you...or they should!

  • 86%

    Could not remember the name of their salesperson 12 months after purchase. This goes hand in hand with the 95% who said they did not receive follow-up contact.(See below) Your customers should hear from you every 90 days. Here are some suggestions to stay in touch with your customers.

  • 72%

    Did not wish to buy from the salesperson or company again. Some people buy in spite of our efforts. The most common complaint reported as a part of this consumer research was a feeling of indifference. Act like your customer's business is important and they will reward you.

  • 97%

    Indicated they were "just shopping". This is the automatic response, isn't it. Lets look at the next number and tie these two together.

  • 65%

    Actually shopped 2 other products or companies before buying. You just learned that 97% will tell you they are just shopping. The fact is only 65% really do it. What does this tell you? Fully one-third of your customers will buy right now given the proper circumstance. What circumstance? Conducting business with a professional who has mastered the steps in The Road to a Sale

  • 91%

    Felt indifference from the salesperson. A further drill down of this answer revealed the reason. Lack of enthusiasm. Customers felt the salesperson was just going through the motions. Present your product with gusto and you will be better than 9 out of 10 of your competitors.

  • 95%

    Did not receive follow-up contact. This consumer question asked about follow-up contact within 24 hours. No wonder people felt indifference. You must act like you want to earn someone's business. Before you follow-up make certain you have a plan. We live in a busy world and people want additional information, not a phone call asking if they are still interested.

  • 92%

    Purchased within 14 days of first contact. Aren't these the same people who said they were "just looking"? You must follow-up, your customers are well into the buying process. Why not have them buy from you?

  • 96%

    Were not asked for a commitment to purchase. I have said this many times...Doing your job correctly and not asking the consumer to buy is like standing at the altar and forgetting to say "I DO".

  • 96%

    Felt the product presentation was inadequate. Do a great job of fact finding. It will give you the facts to present to the jury. Find out how in Step 2 of The Road to the Sale.

  • 10%

    Received unsolicited contact regarding the product. Here's an opportunity based on the consumer research numbers you just read... 9 out of 10 of your customers are looking for you because no one has been in contact with them about your product. On 90% of your customer contacts you have no competition.

    Make sure you never miss an update to the StayOnTarget training series. All you need to do is let me know where to send it.

    Consumer research points out the need for training.


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